Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 148: If I Ruled Liechtenstein...Professional Atheletes Would Act Professional

I honestly 80% of the time can't stand professional atheletes. They are some of the prissiest people with their expensive cars, huge manions, egos the size of something really big and salaries to match even for the low level players.

Ie. Latrell Sprewell, formerly from the Ny Knicks, had complained about his multi-million dollar salary not being large enough to feed his children. LeBron James was the highest endorsed player even before he laced his NBA shoes for the first time. If it's not for the money, and they care about is the ring, put down the hub cap sized bling, pick up the ball and play.

In Liechtenstein, professional athletes act professional. They are loyal to their fans first and to the sport which put them in the lime light. The players unions would work incredibly difficult to keep the season going, and teams would create a culture among their players that generates motivation to keep playing to satisfy the fan.

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