Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 139: Never Have I Ever... Had Purposely Tried To Get Out Of My Shell

It's been a pretty trying past few weeks/months, whatever. I've been hanging out a lot with one of my oldest friends, Rachel (mostly because we just happened to be free at the same times). She is probably one of the most personable, friendly people I know, and I guess it rubs off. It's either that or she's an awesome wing-woman, I haven't decided yet.

Now, you have to understand that I just don't talk to random people. It's taken me about 6 months to talk to a woman that I'm actually pretty close with, and that's really mostly because she made the effort to talk to me. *Note - I can have human conversation. If you talk to me, I'll definitely talk. I'm just not a good conversation starter.

I don't talk to random people (and by people I mean women). It's just something I don't do. I'm not really starving to female attention, and I don't need to be trying to talk to a new one every minute that I'm out. I also have no clue how I have made friends if I don't like the stress of meeting someone new.

Rachel, however, has made friends with the really pretty bartender that I now talk to pretty consistently when she works. There is also this random hot singer of some random band that came up to her, and I somehow started talking to her before getting majorly cock blocked by one of our friends (a female mind you).

I purposely tried this little social experiment, I guess, to get out of my shell. Mission - half passed.

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