Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 36: If I Ruled Liechtenstein...Obese People Would Not Be Rewarded With Handicapped Parking

Americans are fat. End of story. We have the worst diet and the most sedentary lifestyle of all countries. This is one of the reasons we are so over the top out of shape compared to other countries.

In my small country of Liechtenstein, I have just signed a bill requiring all businesses to off a discounted gym membership which would be paid for pretax. Also students get a discounted rate as well. There are also incentive programs for keep healthy and in relatively good shape. Under this law, there will now also be an optional 2 hour lunch break for those who like to work out during the day. If you do not choose to go to the gym during your lunch break, you will be allowed to leave work an hour early assuming all your work has been completed.

For those that fall in the unfortunate category of "obese" will need counseling, a strict diet and a workout regimen similar to The Biggest Loser. This will of course be on a case by case basis, and the candidate will have the ability to refuse counsel. You can only help someone who wants to be helped after all.  

I am in fairly good shape, and I try to keep myself that way. I stay fairly active and try to lead the type of lifestyle that keeps my body moving. That said, it sometimes astonishes me how sometimes someone who is almost literally half fat can be rewarded with a handicap sticker allowing them to park mere feet away from the entrance of a store. Shouldn't they be parking further away? They could probably use the walk.

A person I know, let's call her Sharen Hoctmon, is quite the large person. I have seen pictures of her when she was a few years younger, and she definitely was not as large as she is now. She walks at a speed that is comparable to an old, black lady with a broken foot trying to balance a full cup of coffee. It is ridiculous. She takes the escalator every time, while I, under my breath, mutter, "You sure you wanna do that? You could totally use the cardio."

This sounds mean I know, but I guess you'd have to work with her to feel a bit of this pain. She eats literally half of the lunch I make for 4 people and does not stop if there is something, anything in front of her that resembles food. She then complains how out of shape she is, blamed is on the cook (that is also me, by the way) and does almost nothing to counter balance this awesome lifestyle. Not in my country. Put down the fork. You, Sharen Hoctmon, get a shake of the head and a wag of the finger. 

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