Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 54: Shakespeare's High School Poetry...For Protection But With Alienation

Didactic Poetry is poetry that teaches some moral lesson. You'll see a lot of How To's, Recipes For, and Try To Remembers.

Self-Defense Mechanics: Alienation

Poem: Classified

Sorry folks. This one's for me. It's a cheap cop out, don't think I don't know that, but this one's pretty person personal. And no one reads anything that I write that's this personal. I promise there is one though.

I will, however, tell you, dear reader, it is along the lines of "How To Attract Woman" 1. Be an asshole. 2. Got 'em. or "The Recipe For A Good Relationship" 1. Don't speak your mind. 2. Don't be yourself for the first few months until they're hooked into the relationship. Of course I know you can't protect yourself by alienating people. Maybe it's a bit egotistical to compare to Jonathan Swfit's "A Modest Proposal" where he suggests using children as livestock during famine. It's just what came out and turned out to be sort of amusing, but classified nonetheless.

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