Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 43: If I Ruled Liechtenstein…I’d Have My Own Court Jester (Selfish Edition)

I consider myself a decent friend. I find it pretty easy to not fuck my friends over, and I genuinely care about their well-being. I worry when they’re not well, and if they’re upset I try to do anything I can to get them to at least laugh a little or talk things through. I am usually the first one to make a fool out of myself to get someone in a bad mood laughing. I have, without a 2nd thought, done the Carlton Dance, said the most moronic things, and have acted like the occasional dinosaur/cat.

As Duke of Lichtenstein, I have decided to appoint my very own Court Jester. (Ad to be posted a very soon) Sometimes I just don’t want to talk. I’d like someone to just act the way I do for me. I like to think I put a lot of thought into my relationships, and when someone’s upset, I like to think that I’m good at making someone lighten up even for that single moment. And I try. Hard. As selfish as it sounds, I don’t think it’s out of line to want a little bit of it back. The ad will be for someone to make me laugh, because, yes dear reader, laughing at yourself when you’re frustrated, angry, or sad is difficult.

Now, I’m not saying that my newly appointed Court Jester will have to be a complete ass. I do not expect anyone to act like a dinosaur/cat/robot from the future sent back in time to save the world's last energy source, although I'd be lying if I said that'd be awesome. I will treat him/her with the same amount of respect and dignity that I do any of my friends. They will however need to know how hard to push me to laugh and when. It’s not easy to do, and I can fake it pretty well so there will definitely be a little bit of a challenge. Good luck, applicants.  

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