Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 6: Never Have I Ever...But I Did For Her

Never Have I Ever... Until Her
“Never Have I Ever” is usually just a drinking game. No more. Now the phrase, at least the way I’ll be using it for the next 52 Mondays, will be a challenge to myself to do something that I haven’t done yet. It’ll keep me on toes and keep an adventurous spirit that I hope I don’t ever lose. (That’s the hope anyway.) Too often we become so engulfed in our daily routines that we sort of just wither away.  We forget to indulge in the unexpected or to try things we’ve never done. We lose that sense of exploration, and that’s something I don’t want. Not for the next year will I be able to say this. Whether big or small, I’ll be able to say, “Never have I never… then I did it.”

Never Have I Ever...

Never have I ever looked someone dead in the eye while playing the guitar. I’ve been playing for about 20 years, and I’ve never needed nor wanted to even pick my head up let alone lock eyes with someone while I’m playing. The thought just always made me nervous. 

For me playing the guitar is freeing. I play for myself, and as of the last 10 years or so, no one’s heard me play. I fiddle while I’m home alone, and rush to put my guitar away the second I hear someone open the door. Then on a special Friday, I played for her. Why? Because she asked me to. Because I knew she’d like it. I was insanely nervous, but she was so reassuring. At the end of a few short snippets, she asked “That wasn’t so bad was it?” It wasn’t.  

Eventually, after playing for her quite a few times and when I was able to develop a little bit of comfort, she made me look at her in the eye. It was incredibly uncomfortable, but I did it. Why? Because she asked me to. Because I knew she’d like it. Now I can’t say I’ve never looked at someone in such a deep stare while playing the guitar because I’ve done it with her. It was worth every awkward second.

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