Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 78: If I Ruled Liechtenstein...There'd Be A Giant Statue Of Me

That's right folks. There'd be a giant statue of me in the town square. 1. I'm that vain. 2. I want to be remembered, because I'm that vain. 3. It would give people something to throw at 4 times a year.

Everyone needs someone to hate every once in a while. Everyone has some displaced anger they don't know what to do with, and not everyone can afford to have at least 1 padded wall in their home and 1 Muay Thai bag on every floor in the home like I do for random punching and kicking. Building a statue is also logistically cheaper than equipping all of my citizens with a happy face button and a hand gun. (One's for when they get sad, and the other is for when they get really sad.)

Once a quarter for 1 week, my people will get a chance to throw things at my statue instead of taking out all of their displaced anger elsewhere. It is better than going home and yelling at your loved ones, punching each one in the face, and then stabbing them in their sleep. Everyone needs someone to hate every so often and I'd rather have it be me than some innocent rapist trying to cross the street while avoiding being hit by a biker.

Sometimes people need a boss or leader to hate in order for them to produce good work. Others need someone who's caring and nurturing. Furthermore, some people operate better with fear, while others seek the approval of a higher up.

I am firm but fair as a leader, so this would be everyone's chance to take out all of their anger on me. I wouldn't have it any other way. So get your eggs and your tomatoes. Buy your bats and your pitch forks. Get ready to say, "Fuck you, Duke!" because I've been saying it since I took rule of this country, and no one's cared to visit the website to visit my beautiful wonderland. So you can say, "Fuck you," 4 times a year, while I say, "Fuck you" 360 times a year. Fuck away dear citizens.

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