Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 69 (huhuuhuh): Never Have I Ever... Waited To Have Sugar Poured On Me By A Bunch Of 60 Year Old Men

I love hanging out with my sister. I've said to her a bunch of times, "You're fun again!" She was pretty unbearable for small point in time mostly because she was just downright cranky. But she's awesome, and I am severely jealous of the life she's made for herself, and I know she'll never read this so I can say freely that I admire her spirit, and I love spending time with her and her family. They're fun.

Last week she asked if I wanted to see Def Leppard in conert. How in the fuck am I going to say no. Seriously. I was a little skeptical, because DL was popular in the 80's. the 80's! It's 2011. Can these old dudes really rock a show out at 50-60+ years old? Realizing I've never ever been to a concert with my sister, I said yes.

I had mixed feelings, but I'm a sucker for live music so it couldn't really be all that bad. Heart opened. O.M.G. Heart opened. The red headed guitar player (given my closet love for red heads... PLUS a guitar player?!?!) was hot. She's like 60 but shit. Totally rocked it.I was pitching half a tent.

Then Def Leppard. What. The. Fuck! So good! I was almost embarrassed of my sister. Almost. She was screaming, tearing, singing, dancing. She'd grab my arm, and I'd have to respond with, "Let go of me you teenage girl!" She then would grab onto her husband. I probably won't ever tell her how much fun I have with her, but it's lots. Absolutely lots.

Did I mention that DL's drummer ONE FUCKING ARM! He totally does, and he's still way better than half the drummers I hear. 

Random Fact 538 - After every concert I always rediscover my guitar.

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